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milksop – Niamh Hannaford
  -    -    -  milksop – Niamh Hannaford

milksop – Niamh Hannaford

milksop is the residue of a collection of Niamh Hannaford’s thoughts which cluster around time, usage, environment, complicity, and care. Mirroring the dominant extraction economy and the industrialization of resources, she creates a temporal sculpture which requires cyclical maintenance and endures decay and loss. 

This exhibition explores the value of labour and ageing when liaising with the god of commerce. Sitting beside – and on – layers of exploitative practices. She (her and her family) repetitiously manifest frozen offerings. Manufacturing a milky banshee. That pesky lady which haunts our dreams, and pressures our screens, full of serums and vital boosts. 


Her lonesome wail in daily demonstration:

Opening Performance –  Saturday 24th August – 3pm

Viewing times –  24 Aug – 7 Sept  | Wednesday–Saturday 1–6pm 

Closing Performance – Saturday 7th September – 3pm


Niamh Hannaford creates uneasy, honest, playful, and conflicted installations/performances. She explores how history and ritual merge with modern-day economic values through frantic storytelling.  Her work sits in the tension she finds through her everyday interaction with multinational corporations and her lived infrastructure which supports them. Current research surrounds the dairy industry, the pressure of skincare, generational trauma, shame, resource usage, environmental concerns, and Irish folkloric traditions of keening and the banshee.

Niamh is currently pursuing an MFA in Goldsmiths University, London.